The meeting point will be the famous Via San Gregorio Armeno: the whole world knows it for the presence of the workshops of the cribs handcraftmen, but its oldest and hidden treasure is inside the omonymous church.
From the first access, the splendor will completely overwhelm you: from the ceiling decorated with golden drawers, passing through the pulpits and chapels. Baroque opulence completely covers one of the city's oldest monumental complexes, leaving previous artistic traces unseen.
Your journey will continue to Piazzetta Nilo, recognizable by the large sculpture depicting the half-stretched Nile God, and the next stop is really a gem far from the crowded paths: the church of Gesù Vecchio.
History teaches us that the Jesuit order was born immediately after the Council of Trent, and used the spectacularness of the Baroque to directly strike the faithful, who also became a spectator.
This is precisely the first mother church of the order: the space is completely decorated by the major artists of the period between the end of the sixteenth and the beginning of the seventeenth century, very promiscous for Neapolitan art.
Over time, and with the exponential increase in the power and importance of the Order of the Jesuits in Naples, a new building was chosen to act as a reference point for all: we are in fact heading towards the church of Gesù Nuovo, located in the square of the same name.
Its external appearance, characterized by the unmistakable bugged, recalls older times: this was in fact a civil building, Palazzo Sanseverino, then disused and used as a sacred building. The entrance is truly spectacular: breadth, glory, faith, power, devotion. Every aspect is embellished, and the total visibility always leaves you breathless!
The last stop of our route is not far away... Right in front! Beyond the Basilica of St. Chiara, which still retains its austere appearance, there is the access to the cloister of the convent: it will be a magnificent experience, you will be in the center of the heart of the city but immersed in an almost mystical peace, surrounded by the most precious maiolicas of the city.
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